“Stacy is a gifted healer. During her treatments I feel that I am being attended to on a deep level. The way in which she holds space for the sacred quality of the session creates an atmosphere in which I am able to trust and feel held. This is the space where true healing happens.” - 

Stacy Darby LAc, LMT

Stacy’s curiosity of the human experience and the therapeutic-use-of-Self is a driving force for her engagement in the study and practice of mind-body medicine.

Her evolutionary path as a practitioner has been and continues to be, an intricate spiraling web that is infused with her own healing of heart and soul. She engages in her studies not only for the sake of the mind’s collection of knowledge and advancement of skills but also as a personal exploration of her human life on this beautiful planet.

Her studies as a hands-on healer began at Ashmead College in Seattle, Washington. Soon after becoming licensed to touch in 2001, while attending a Shiatsu course, she was introduced to the theory and philosophy that is within the bedrock of Chinese medicine. The lens of perception used by this ancient body of knowledge honors the inter-connectivity of body and mind and interconnection within all of Nature. This particular lens when used to examine the process of disease, healing and life resonated deeply in her heart.

A seed of inspiration was planted.

That seed continued to grow and blossom into a license to practice Acupuncture & East Asian Medicine after completing the Masters in Acupuncture program at Middle Way Acupuncture Institute in 2022.

Stacy’s path as a seeker and healer has also been deeply touched by the practice of Reiki. In 2005 she completed the Master Teacher level of Reiki training offered by her teacher in Seattle, Washington.

In 2013, Stacy was introduced to Todd Jackson, LMT in Portland, Oregon. He would become her mentor and guide in the study and practice of Biodynamic Craniosacral and Biodynamic Massage.

In her continued engagement in this field of study, she has begun studying Visionary Craniosacral therapy with the Milne Institute.

Stacy teaches Biodynamic Touch courses and serves as an assistant for other craniosacral therapy courses.

My path has brought me to teachers who have shared with me core concepts and foundational practices that aide in the embodiment of person-hood and the reclaiming of personal space which allows for an experience of knowing your place in relationship with the intelligence that moves through each of us - This is PRESENCE.


Making contact with the body is also an act of touching the mind and spirit.
We are engaging in a conversation with the lived story of Soul when we listen with the compassionate presence of heart and hands. The story that is contained in each atom and cell that composes the physical form, holds within it a history of experience.

The body remembers what the mind is able to forget.

The stories that we carry within us are written by our experience of life. Influenced by familial, cultural, societal and ancestral inheritance, the inherited conditioning’s and patterns created impact our experience of ourselves and our perceptions of reality.

From the most dense to the subtlest form, all-that-is contains a living expression of consciousness.

When engaging with the body-mind, with present awareness and allowance for what is, we are able to assist the process of transformation within oneself. Doing so, the experience of Life begins to change. What was once a ‘pain’ becomes an integrated part of ourselves, an accepted part of our lived story. As a result, Life is enhanced.

Life is a process. Healing is an expression of Life.

Our bodies and beings are expressions of Nature. Within Nature is an innate force of healing that supports the evolutionary process that is continuously underway.

Sickness, suffering, pain and death are all expressions of the human condition, of human nature and life on earth. These expressions of life can act as our greatest teachers or our worst enemies.

Connection is Key.

When we disconnect from life experiences as a means of self preservation we also disconnect from aspects of ourselves and of Nature. Healing is a process of returning to a unified, connected and embodied Self. A return to integrity of self invites the wholeness of being to return to its rightful place in relationship with Nature.