Remote Healing

Healing Sessions offered from a distance

Distance Healing

The transformational potential for healing is not limited by the apparent confines of space and time. By accessing our inherent connection via the quantum field we are able to touch each other and work in ways similar to the work we do together when applying physical contact. Working byway of the energetic field can be just as powerful and sometime is even more profound than the work that occurs while physically near.

During a session the practice of remote viewing is accessed to acquire real-time impressions of the recipients body-mind-spirit, life system. The work proceeds similarly to an in-person session except that the recipient is where they are located in space which may be quite some distance from where the practitioner is located in space. Having a scheduled time that we, practitioner and recipient, both intend to meet energetically supports the intention to work together from a distance for a specific purpose. A consensual agreement is made to engage in this process together, just as consent is given to work together with physical contact for in-person sessions.

The remote work is done biodynamically. Working biodynamically implies that the treatment process is one of listening, following and engaging with the wisdom of the recipients life system (body-mind-spirit). Similar to the in-person sessions offered, there is not a protocol that is followed but instead an organic process develops based on the needs of the moment.

During the session you might have sensations in your body that correspond to where the attention is being concentrated in real-time. The experience may be primarily sensational &/or may be accompanied with thought processes that are associated with what is transforming in your life system.

Our time together can proceed in a few different ways. Once we have had an initial conversation discussing your health history and current presentation of symptoms &/or reviewed the intentions for the session, we can put the phone or computer away and allow the technology of the biofield to act as our primary vehicle of communication.

Another option is to keep the phone’s speaker or computer video on during the session so that we can potentially share words during the course of the session. Silence is also permitted even if phone or computer connection is maintained.

Additional INformation

  • Initial sessions include a consultation to discuss health history and any specific issues that are currently presenting that you would like to receive support for at this time. When receiving this work with regularity your intention for the session can be shared via email or text prior to your session.

  • During the course of each session we will be working with our support systems to guide the session and work with us in the most beneficial way in support of your well-being.

  • For the duration of the session it is recommended that you provide yourself the opportunity to be still and quiet while in a state of receptivity to receive the greatest benefit. Additional quiet time post session may also be desired to support further integration of the treatment.

  • In support of integration, each session includes a brief follow-up conversation to share what you felt transpired during the session and any impressions either of us received.

  • Initial sessions are one hour for the initial intake and treatment & include a 15 minute post treatment conversation. $125

    Follow-up sessions are 45 minute in treatment with a 15 minute post treatment conversation. $110

  • Feeling held & supported while stressors melt away during the session.

  • Fears and anxieties are lifted.

  • Sleep becomes more restful.

  • Peace of mind and trust in connection is reestablished.

  • Physical pains are soothed

  • Insight into personal truths and supportive inner ques from ones personal knowing arise to the forefront of consciousness.

  • Past traumas & challenging life experiences are recalled with greater neutrality during and post session.

Remote Session Experience Reports

What to expect

  • When your first appointment is made you will receive an email prompting you to fill out the required intake forms. These intake forms will be updated as needed during the course of treatment and/or a year after initial intake.

    When you make your first appointment online you will be required to input a credit card to have on file to reserve your appointment. This card will NOT be charged unless there is an appointment that is missed without proper notice, for late cancellations or choosing to pay for your session with the card on file (includes a service fee).

    Initial appointments will include a conversation to review your health history and to discuss what is currently presenting for you and your intentions for the session, as well as answer any questions about the process.

    Payments for Distance Sessions can be made via Venmo, PayPal or with card on file.

    Scheduling follow-up sessions can be done at the end of the appointment or at a later time.

  • Once the appointment is made you will be prompted to fill out a brief questionnaire highlighting any new symptoms/issues presenting and stating the current intention for the session.

    For follow-up sessions it is optional to have a conversation at the start of treatment.

  • It is recommended that you give yourself time to be quiet, still and receive. You are invited to find a comfortable resting place where you are located for the duration of the session.

    We might have the phone speaker on and available for words to be shared during treatment -OR- we will leave the phones off and will plan to speak after the treatment is complete.

    Once the treatment is complete we will speak briefly to discuss what transpired during the session.

  • It is advised to allow yourself the time and space to integrate the treatment post session.

    This can look a lot of different ways. You may find that you want to take rest following session, to be quiet with yourself or be out in nature. Journaling is a wonderful way to aide the process of integrating and supporting the development of new perspectives and deeper understanding of your inner world. It is advised to take some time to reflect and to feel into what is new and different about your experience of your body, mind and spirit- to feel into how you have been touched by your experience. Doing so will add value to the gift of care you have provided yourself.

    If you must run off into the busyness of your life, then please do so with some gentle allowance for the integration to be present as the therapeutic change continues.

  • Payments for Distance Sessions can be made via Venmo, PayPal or with card on file.

    Initial sessions: $125 (75 minutes)

    Follow-up sessions: $110 ( 1 hr)

  • The frequency of treatment is determined person-by-person. Not all require the same consistency of care. Those with acute conditions may require more consistent treatment upfront and then can tapper down the consistency and others with chronic conditions may require on-going care with greater consistency long term because the issue that is being tended has been around longer and likely has a broader effect on the whole system.

    Treatment is cumulative. There is wisdom in providing yourself some time to integrate the treatment received and there is also wisdom in receiving a couple sessions relatively close together to aide the healing process. We can work together to develop a treatment plan that is suited to your needs.

    Generally, receiving treatment at least once a month for general well-being is a good place to start. Every two weeks is even better. Providing yourself on-going care as a preventative measure & to help deal with everyday stressors is advised.

    A series of appointments can be booked out three months in advance.

  • Tremendous Benefit

    "Stacy’s distance healing sessions have been of tremendous benefit for me personally. The deactivation of my sympathetic nervous system before and after treatment is palpable. As I open to receive the treatment I feel held and supported in love and connection. Even better, when the official session has ended, I am able to take time and support myself in ways not possible when going to someones treatment room. I have had the most delicious and restorative naps after treatments and my integration experience is ease full. Stacy is a talented healer and I highly recommend gifting yourself with her treatment."
    — M.R. Distance Healing Recipient

  • Less Fearful & More Grounded

    “I can’t tell you how much less fearful and more grounded I am. I feel trust in my body in a new way. Thanks as always for your sensitivity and wisdom.”
    — C.B. Distance Healing Recipient

  • Shoulder Pain gone

    “Distant Healing sessions with Stacy have really worked for me during this during this time when doctors are only seeing urgent issues due to the Shelter in Place Orders. Shoulder pain which was keeping me awake at night is completely gone after a distance treatment. Normally I would have seen a PT for something like this. The distant healing has also aided my recovery from pneumonia and lessened bad side effects from a medication I had to be on for a year.
 I whole heartedly recommend people give this a try. It has been comforting to me during the sessions, knowing Stacy’s caring, healing energy and attention is being directed my way.” -B.D. Distance Healing Recipient