Tea & Touch

Embodied Presence Cultivation

Saturday, November 9th : 9am-1pm

We will begin our journey together with tea master, Po Li, leading us through a process of coming into harmonic resonance with chosen teas that will support our collective body to settle into Presence. The tea ceremony will last roughly one hour to ninety minutes depending on how the collective process develops as we receive the gifts of the teas presented.

When the tea ceremony completes we will transition into a group practice of collective presence cultivation via the application of touch.  Utilizing the relational field we will make contact & interact with the vibrant aliveness present within and around us. Each person will practice in the role of the recipient on the treatment table and also as the one who is offering touch. Hands-on practice rounds will last roughly forty-five minutes or more depending on the number of people in each practice group.

During our hands-on exchanges following the tea ceremony & teachings provided by tea master Po Li, we will be invited to let go of any attempt to perform a specific skill set or to make anything happen for ourselves or those that we are working with. This is an opportunity to play together and explore whatever arises in the moment. The inclusion of the plant helpers that are brought into our system through the tea journey will be a valuable addition to our practice. Additionally, our attention may include the awareness of the various nature helpers that are within and surrounding the beautiful space that we will be practicing together.

This event is being offered to bodywork practitioners who are actively engaged in the various avenues that support the cultivation of Embodied Presence.


This gathering will be offered at Heavens Tea Temple in outer SE Portland off of Foster ave, near Leach Botanical Gardens. (address and directions given with registration)


Tea service will begin with all participants present at 9:00am. We ask that attendants please plan to arrive with enough time to get settled into the space before tea begins to be served. We will plan to close our gathering by 1pm.


Opportunity to purchase tea and tea ware from Po will be provided during our time together (either between tea ceremony and touch practice or after our exchanges are complete).

Snacks of chocolate and nuts will be offered. Please bring personal snacks if needed.

Space is limited to 8 participants. 

“Tea has the ability to drop us into Presence, the state of still being in the movement of the moment. It is a way to experience being both separate and inseparable from the energy of life. In this state, we are the water in the cup and water outside the cup, we are the container and the contained. The beauty with tea medicine is that we get to experience this in a very grounded way, with our eyes open, connected to both our identities as individuals and our identity as the essence of life itself, pure being.  The water of our life and life itself moves without and within, yet our awareness, the cup, never changes." Po Li

Together we will

  • Receive the wisdom teachings offered by Tea Master Po Li. Teachings include guidance in how we might integrate these medicines into our daily life and professional practices.

  • Experience the energetic signatures of teas that will will shift our awareness into a rooted, expanded and integrated state.

  • Receive resource of collectively cultivated Embodied Presence.

  • Illuminate perceptual awareness through guided explorations.

  • Listen to and receive the gifts of the moment.

  • Invite in the intelligence of life to inform our inner wisdom while being with ourselves and other.

  • Expand our awareness to include the collective field while remaining centered in self.

  • Experience the addition resource of plant medicines while engaged in the application of therapeutic touch offered in a communal setting.

Event Information
Community event for bodywork practitioners

  • DATE

    November 9th 2024

  • Location

    Heavens Tea Temple
    Located in outer SE Portland off of Foster ave, near Leach Botanical Gardens.

  • Tuition

    $100-$150 | Prepay to reserve spot
    * Sliding scale and payment plans available

  • Contact

    Stacy Darby (503) 753-2611

  • Facilitators

    This gathering is being offered by Stacy Darby and Po Li.

“After attending the Presencing through Tea and Touch event for the second time, I am very much looking forward to continuing this exploration at future events. Po’s introduction to tea as medicine, while imbibing and feeling its presence and potency within my system, supported me in getting out of the way and witnessing the power of nature at work. With the support of the beautiful forest surrounding the space, and Stacy’s nurturing presence, I felt empowered to continue from that surrendered state as we moved on to practicing with hands-on work. These events are such a gift to an individual’s cultivation of presence, and the power that presence can have in its relationship to being with others.”

“This event was so special and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in it. Stacy and Po held an amazing space of openness and lightheartedness as we explored the energetics of tea and how that can translate into a more open space for giving and receiving subtle work. I hope to have the opportunity to participate again! Thank you both!”

Presence Cultivation through Tea & Touch


Presence Cultivation through Tea & Touch is a gathering offered to the local community of licensed and certified bodywork practitioners familiar with craniosacral therapy and other forms of bodywork that require cultivation of listening presence.


PayPal & Venmo (stacy darby@light-essence) payments are accepted.

workshop Registration policy

  • All deposits for workshops are non-refundable.  The remaining balance for workshops is due 30 days before the scheduled workshop date.  Unless prior payment arrangements have been made, if the workshop balance is not paid in full 30 days prior to the event date, your space may be given to a student on the wait-list and the deposit forfeited.  Please communicate with us via e-mail if there are any issues with timely payment; we want to work with you to ensure you can attend the event.  If submitting a withdrawal of your workshop registration with less than 30 days prior to the start of the event, a refund less the deposit amount will be issued only if a replacement can be found from the waiting list.  If no replacement is available, the entire tuition is non-refundable.

  • We reserve the right to cancel events not meeting minimum participant requirements by 28 days before the class. If the event is cancelled for any reason, all fees paid will be refunded.

Heavens Tea offers private tea journeys, classes and more